Low emission digital design

  • Minimizing the environmental footprint of data
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Imagine a website so eco-friendly that its environmental footprint is as negligible as an innocent, quiet fart. That was precisely my project – a digital equivalent of Captain Planet in the world of web design. But as usual, reality likes to complicate even the most ambitious plans.


Main objectives

 Designing websites with low-emission principles

Educating clients about sustainable digital design

Analyzing the digital rebound effect in the context of energy efficiency

Implementing an inclusive design system, accessible on older devices

Testing websites on devices from various technological eras


Effects and conclusions

Increasing client awareness about the impact of digital projects on the environment

Identifying challenges related to balancing efficiency and usability

Discovering that “eco” actions in the digital industry often have a purely image-oriented character

Realizing that energy savings can be nullified by increased usage

Finding satisfaction in testing websites on older devices (and discovering it’s not so easy!)


Main reflection

This project was a fascinating journey through the intricacies of sustainable development in the digital world.

I realized that being truly “eco” on the internet is not just about optimizing code or using energy-efficient servers. It’s a complex issue requiring a holistic approach and constant balancing between efficiency, accessibility, and real environmental impact.

I learned that sometimes seemingly ecological solutions can bring unexpected consequences, and real change requires a deeper rethinking of our approach to technology and its role in our lives.

This lesson goes far beyond the world of web design and prompts me to constantly question the status quo in search of truly regenerative solutions.

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