
Futuro Cards: an educational card game with a methodology aimed at supporting the process of creating democratic scenarios for the future.


The card deck contained

Sustainable Development Goals – challenges to be solved in the vision of the future

Trends – global changes in behaviors and ways of functioning (e.g., hyperpersonalization, gender fluid, circular economy, shared economy, digital ecology)

Technologies – tools to realize the vision (e.g., smart dust, cryptocurrencies, tattooables, exoskeletons)

Additionally, I created a website with updated case studies and extensive descriptions of implementations from each card, allowing players to expand their knowledge


The game play

Educational warm-up

Distributing technology cards among players

Collectively choosing a daily activity (e.g., brushing teeth)

Each player presenting a technology and imagining its impact on the chosen activity

A similar process with trend cards, describing their impact on market dynamics (e.g., education, medicine)

Main part of the game

Drawing a sustainable development goal

Determining the direction and dynamics of development by selecting trends

Choosing technologies enabling the realization of the goal

Creating a narrative around the developed scenario

I also designed additional canvases to analyze the impact of selected trends or technologies on the:

Individual level: changes in behaviors, needs, expectations

Organizational and institutional level: new business models, services, and products

Planetary level: impact on resources, flow of goods and information


Main reflection

My project enjoyed great interest, allowing me to conduct countless workshops all over the world.

Despite its success, I decided to end it because I lost faith in the effectiveness of the Sustainable Development Goals.

I concluded that the way they were adopted and implemented by the UN is more symbolic than strategic, and companies often don’t treat them holistically, which leads to minimal impact.

Not wanting to invest my energy in a project based on ineffective foundations, I decided to put in the attic in my parents’ house.

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