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About me

Content type: Informative

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  • Biogram

    I preach and practice a hacker ethic, characterized by a passion for open systems, experimentation, and the free flow of information within decentralized communities.

    I actively resist and question the existing paradigms of technological and industrial dominance over our social life, imagination, and natural environment.

    Drawing inspiration from cybernetic systems theory, I strive to harmonize technological progress with the rhythms of organic life by promoting an ecology-minded approach to software and hardware design.

    I create educational experiences that expand awareness and change the way new technologies are perceived by society. Some people call this magic.

    After hours, I dedicate myself to personal development, meditation practices, and exploring altered states of consciousness.

  • Services

    • Education: Promoting sustainable, circular, and regenerative digital cultures
    • Audits: Measure, analyze, and monitor digital waste in organizations
    • Workshops: digital well-being, open-source alternatives, digital clean-up techniques, practical knowledge to extend electronics’ life cycle, digital designing within environmental limits
    • Strategies: Developing research and strategies for regenerative practices in digital product and services
    • Foresight: Delivering strategies and analyze risks, capabilities, and advantages of regenerative digital solutions
  • Lectures & Workshops


    • “Only hackers will survive”, KDE Akademy, Würzburg, Germany
    • “Small organisations and Sustainable IT, how to take concrete action? (testimonials and feedback)” Roundtable Session GreeTech Forum Brussels
    • “Regenerative IT” guest lecture Univeristy of Western Australia
    • “Digital Ecology” DelhiFOSS 2.0, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
    • “Country round-table: Poland. Speaking out on the need to implement environmental regulations in outgoing digital transformation” India Europe Business and Sustainability Conclave, New Delhi
    • “The Current state of Green IT in Europe. Trends and useful frameworks” KDE conference India, Pune, COEP Technological University
    • “Workshop: The social responsibility of the use of new technologies in cultural organisations” Museum of Contemporary Art , Warsaw, Poland


    • “5 questions everyone should ask when designing responsible digital solutions” I Design Conference, Wroclaw, Poland
    • “The current state of Green IT” BNP Paribas, Warsaw, Poland
    • “Digital clean-up” BNP Paribas, Warsaw, Poland
    • “Redefine your relationship with Data” Community Workshop, Muff Community Gathering, Almhult, Sweden
    • “REgenerative Artificial IntelligenceGdynia Design Days Sustanability Summit link (ENG)
    • Digital Ecology” Throwaway is a project that unearths the hidden history of waste in Europe while simultaneously highlighting its significance as a marker of social change. House of European History link to part 1 (ENG) link to part 2 (ENG)
    • Technology’s real footprint” Discussion Panel Internet Beta link (PL)
    • “Digital Ecology Talk: What do your likes on Instagram have to do with groundwater scarcity, the Earth’s axis shift and climate migration?” Direction Earth/Space, initiative by the European Space Agency
    • “Introduction to Digital Ecology” BNP Paribas ESG Days


    • “Together for Climate. Critical thinking for climate-conscious communities: “The dark secret of the internet” Centre for Civic Education Poland
    • “Is another Internet possible?” Goyki3 Art Incubator link (PL)
    • “Digitality, digital art and NFT and the environment” Patch Lab Festival
    • “Whoever is without guilty, cast the first carbon. Low-emission presentation of emission measurement results” Biennale Warszawa link (ENG)
    • Guided Tour at Biennale Warszawa link (ENG)
    • “Who owns the Internet” Biennale Warszawa link (ENG)
    • “Digital Ecology” lecture for kids at Experyment Science Center link (PL)


    • “Digital design within environmental limits” inhouse workshop PackHelp
    • “The dark secret of your smartphone” inhouse presentation Orange
    • “Digital warfare – how to defend yourself in the age of disinformation and be an activist online?” Discussion panel at Institute of Urban Culture Poland
    • “Digital Ecology in pratcite” Pomeranian Science and Technology Park link (PL)
    • “How to make your voice heard on environmental issues” Discussion panel at Integrated Marketing Forum
    • “Digital Ecology” International PMI Poland Chapter Congress
    • “Introduction to Digital Ecology” Studium Obywatelskie im. Pawła Adamowicza
    • “Digital Ecology Hackaton” Women in Tech. Supervision of the hackathon in terms of strategy and content, mentoring of the participants.
    • “Meeting to raise awareness of the use of open source tools in cultural institutions” Cultural Zone Wrocław City & Culture Conference
    • “Digital Ecology in cultural institutions” National Ethnographic Museum in Poland
    • “Digital Ecology” Can art save the planet? OP ENHEIM


    • Workshop: “Reinventing the Cloud” & lecture: “Digital Ecology” IF Social Design for Sustainable Cities conference organized by Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
    • “Designer’s quarantine” Element Talks link (PL)


    • “How technology can help us tackle today’s biggest challenges” African Leadership Academy
    • “What are the greatest challenges humanity faces today and how do they influence our decision making?” The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development MGIEP Conference
    • “Future scenarios for sustainable urban development” Creative Mixer by British Council
    • “Futuro Cards” EL Pais Retina Conference link (ES)
    • “The future of digital design” Element Talks Conference
    • Energy savings with examples of electronics using Arduino” Gdynia Design Days
    • “Design Process of the Future Oriented Experiences” UX Scientific Club at Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
    • “Environmental footprint of digital technologies” The French Institute in Poland, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, French Cultural Centre, French Embassy in Poland
    • “Introduction to the Museum of the Future in Nuremberg: Experience the future with all your senses.” Goethe-Institut Poland | Warsaw
    • “Involvement and communication of circular economy projects” We Are Circular
    • “The future is female” Polish Entrepreneurship Development Agency Innovation Leaders Forum
    • “Vienna Biennale for Change” The Austrian Culture Forum in Warsaw
    • “Citizens of the future” Personal Democracy Forum CEE
    • “Solar Punk and Cyber Ecology” Internet Age Media
    • “Sustainable Futures Scenarios with Futuro Cards” The Next Web


    • “Influence of the Maker Movement into developing key skills for the future” The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development MGIEP Conference
    • “Future oriented experience design” UX Element Talks
    • “It all has already been done before” University of Social Sciences and Humanities: Innovation Transformer Conference
    • “The way they buy – the influence of the millennial generation on brand communication” Creative Gdynia
    • “Design Process of the Future Oriented Experiences” Jagiellonian University
  • Publications

  • Media

    • “Children sort our electronic waste. “Use cases have been reported in 22 countries.” Dzień Dobry TVN link (PL)
    • “Building a Sustainable Internet: Ada Sokół on the eco-friendly, energy-efficient redesign of her website, in collaboration with Zofka Kofta and the Digital Ecology Institute” Collide24 link (ENG)
    • “Don’t keep your phone in a desk drawer. Give it a second life” WP.PL link (PL)
    • “Ecology in a world of new technologies” Radio 357 link (PL)
    • “The real footprint of new technologies” Radio 357 link (PL)
    • “What can we do to ensure that we use the Internet in a more sustainable way?” Radio Chill ZET link (PL)
    • “Hacking the future” link (PL)
    • “Poland, the Bangladesh of Europe. We are becoming a digital dumping ground” Forsal link (PL)
    • “The internet is a rubbish. It’s not just a pain in our neck, it’s a pain for our planet.” HomoDigital link (PL)
    • “Sustainable Digitalization” Liberte link (PL)
    • “How can you strike a balance and be more environmentally friendly when online? Online activities generate a lot of energy” NOIZZ.PL link (PL)
    • “Digital ecology: the internet is not zero waste. One email is responsible for emitting 4 grams of carbon dioxide” Wysokie Obcasy link (PL)
    • “We are stuck in technological madness. Why shouldn’t Poland’s multi-billion dollar investment in data centres be applauded?” Gazeta Wyborcza link (PL)
    • “Is sending emails good for the environment?” TOK FM link (PL)
  • Recommendations

    I have been working with Joanna in my project around data activism and building inclusive archives. I was stunned by Joanna’s knowledge and experience, as well as passion in talking about an intersection of technology and ecology, as well as her integrity in the projects and actions she’s involved in. Aside from that, Joanna helped structure one of the workshops that aimed at creating tangible products in my project, based on her practice in customer experience. Without her support the project would not be as successful.

    Kuba PiwowarPhD :: SWPS University in Warsaw :: Landecker Democracy Fellow


    If you want to prepare for the future and have the courage to explore both its bright and dark sides, Joanna Murzyn is the best person to work with.

    Joanna Eberl – Director of Protopia at CoopTech Hub


    Joanna works with us as a Digital Ecology Mentor, advising on the development of a tool to reduce the carbon footprint of websites called ec0lint. We are continually impressed by Joanna’s expertise in creating sustainable websites and using sustainable tools. It is thanks to her that we have learnt about the carbon footprint of online activities and electronic devices.

    Katarzyna Wojdalska & Malwina Kubasec0lint team


    The rapid pace of technological development can leave you breathless. At such a pace of change and innovation, a horizontal view is particularly important – Joanna actively observes every detail and analyses what and how it will affect our future, taking into account many important perspectives, particularly those relating to the environment and society.

    Agata Doraczyńska – Trends & Insights Specialist


    I worked with Joanna on the implementation of an environmental digital audit at the National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw. I felt that Joanna’s sensitivity to innovation, forward thinking and problem solving, positive attitude, information seeking skills, understanding and ease in translating difficult phenomena into simple language were her strengths. I also appreciated her attention to the aesthetics of the messages and products developed.

    Monika KrysztofińskaNational Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw

  • Clients and partners

    I have nearly a decade of experience collaborating with diverse clients, including SMEs, corporations, cultural institutions, universities, NGOs, and start-ups. Below is a list of notable organizations I’ve worked with:

    • AGH University of Science and Technology
    • African Leadership Academy
    • BNP Paribas
    • Biennale Warsaw
    • Cultural Zone Wrocław
    • Deloitte Digital
    • Direction Earth/Space, initiative by the European Space Agency
    • DDB
    • DuPont Sustainability
    • El Pais Retina
    • Experyment Science Center in Gdynia Poland
    • Goethe-Institut Polen | Warschau
    • Google
    • Govermental Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
    • Goyki3 Art Incubator
    • Gdynia Design Days Sustanability Business Summit
    • House of European History
    • HubRaum: Deutsche Telekom’s tech incubator
    • Humanity in Action
    • IKEA
    • Institut auf dem Rosenberg
    • Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej a Polish organization grouping Catholic intellectuals
    • Lufthansa
    • National Ethnographic Museum in Poland
    • OP ENHEIM art galerry
    • Orange
    • Pack Help
    • Panoptykon Foundation
    • Patch Lab Festival
    • Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
    • Polish Musuem association: Culture for Climate
    • Polish Radio
    • Polish nationwide daily newspaper: Gazeta Wyborcza
    • Pomeranian Science and Technology Park
    • Project Management Institute
    • Saatchi&Saatchi
    • SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
    • The Polish Center for Citizenship Education (CCE)
    • Qair Energy
    • UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
    • University of Western Australia
    • Your organization is not listed here? Let’s get in touch and see what we can do about it ˙ ͜ʟ˙
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