Drunk drivers detector

  • Stimulating active participation in safeguarding communities
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A concept for a technological solution aimed not only at detecting drunk drivers behind the wheel but, more importantly, at utilizing a mechanism of social activation.



A steering wheel cover equipped with sensors that detect alcohol in the skin and exhaled breath, which would illuminate the steering wheel red.

Thanks to this light signal, pedestrians spotting a drunk driver could react by calling the police or simply stopping the car (if possible). It’s like a sobriety traffic light, where red means “stop and hand over your keys.”


Main reflection

It’s a perfect blend of technology and social responsibility, proving that sometimes the best deterrent for drunk drivers isn’t a stern warning, but the fear of turning their car into a luminous disco.

The beauty of this solution lies in its simplicity and its ability to transform bystanders from passive observers into active participants in safeguarding their community.

Thanks to Bartosz Tytus Trojanowski for the sketches.

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