
On Valentine’s evening, I organized an extraordinary event combining a lecture with practical workshops.

The room filled with curious participants, ready to explore the intricacies of human sexuality and its relationship with technology.

I began with a journey through the history of the sex toy industry, showing how it has evolved over the years. The story of the porn industry’s impact on technological innovation sparked lively discussions.

The presentation of the latest gadgets and technological solutions in the field of sex was met with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief.

A key moment was the appearance of an invited sexologist. Using a three-dimensional model of the clitoris, she demonstrated, with grace and professionalism, the secrets of female anatomy and stimulation techniques.

This part of the meeting opened many participants’ eyes to their own bodies and needs.

We then moved on to the workshop portion.

The creativity of the participants exploded as they created prototypes of sex toys. Laughter mingled with passionate discussions about functionality and design.


Main reflection

Looking at this project today, I see its educational and integrative value.

At the same time, I can’t help but reflect on the impact of technology on our intimacy. Do gadgets and virtual experiences really bring us closer together, or do they paradoxically drive us apart?

Conscious work with sexual energy requires enormous mindfulness – of oneself, one’s body, and the needs of one’s partner. I fear that technology, although fascinating, may teach us to lose this.

Our bodies, accustomed to intense stimulation, lose sensitivity to the subtlety of human touch. And yet it is the touch of another person that makes us feel happier.

I also can’t ignore the environmental issues in this case. The sex toy industry generates huge amounts of electronic waste, and the porn industry accounts for a significant portion of internet traffic, consuming enormous amounts of energy.

Although my project was a success, today I wonder if moving sexuality into the virtual sphere has taken something valuable from us – a piece of our humanity, our ability to experience true closeness.

This is a reflection that stays with me when I think about the future of human intimacy in a world dominated by technology.

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