The human BOT

  • Elevating research to new heights
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Imagine a bot that flirts with science but doesn’t forget its manners. That’s exactly what one of my projects was – a digital friend in the world of research, capable of lightening the atmosphere faster than you can say “statistical correlation”.


Main objectives

Creating and developing the conversation tree for the research bot

Designing a casual, natural communication style for the bot

Integrating elements that build trust with the participants

Developing strategies to avoid an “artificial” research atmosphere



Establishing an authentic relationship between the bot and study participants

Obtaining more relaxed, less declarative responses

Creating a research environment closer to everyday interactions

Increasing the quality and reliability of collected data

Positive feedback from participants about the research process


Main reflection

Thanks to this innovative approach, I managed to break down the barrier between traditional, formal research and natural conversation, which significantly improved the quality of the obtained results.

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