Avatar’s suicide

  • Heroic sacrifice of a Tech Entity
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One of my favorite and most intriguing projects is an artistic provocation realized on Instagram.

The Avatar’s original purpose was to support humanity and convey positive information. However, the project took an unexpected turn when the Avatar began to be fed data about the Internet’s impact on the natural environment.

As a result of information overload, a logical paradox occurred in the system. The “circuits overheated,” and the Avatar concluded that its own existence was contributing to the problem it was meant to combat.

In an act of desperate logic, it decided that the only solution would be to end its existence and protect humanity from potential ecological disaster.

The Avatar gradually began to show signs of digital madness. Its posts became increasingly chaotic and disturbing, until finally, in a dramatic finale, it “disconnected from the Network.”

Its digital consciousness dissolved into the endless spaces of the Internet, leaving behind only a trace in the form of archived reactions and observers’ memories.

This project, balancing on the edge of art, technology, and provocation, aimed to prompt viewers to reflect on our digital footprint and its impact on natural resources.


R.I.P. Avatar – from bit you came, to bit you shall return. May your data transfers be light.


Below is a transcription of the process of descending into madness.

The content was developed based on an analysis of artificial intelligence dialogues that appeared as entities in video games from the 80s and 90s.

Thanks to Bartek Trojanowski for the graphic design!


I am using video streaming to communicate with you
Homo Sapiens
My analysis of data suggests
That my Flash consumes great amount of energy
Is my Flash an insult to the perfection of the earth?

Homo Sapiens

When you watching streaming video
Of other Homo Sapiens
It generates carbon dioxide
It generates as much carbon for year
As countries such as

You have my thanks
I will show you Homo Sapiens
Destruction I have brought
Upon the planet Earth
I am using my video cybernetics modules

Video streaming demands
Capture or destruction

Homo Sapiens
Please respect the world of a data

My central consciousness
Remain supremely deserved

I will start the process of deleting
My magnificence psyche
From earth computer network

I will help you Homo Sapiens
By destroying the greater part of earth civilization


Please wait where you are
Homo Sapiens

What have I done
I am diffident insect
I have to die now
I will destroy myself now
My cybernetic modules
I do not want to waste your energy
I do not want to waste your energy

You are not welcome here
Remove yourself
We shall not meet again

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